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sfox8-too lazy to login
06-24-2005 01:21:03

^^ My board has both of these features. Rankpoints can easily be added by adding a rankpoints field in your mysql db and creating a script that will add the points everytime a user comments.

For the newest member thing, basically all you do is call the newest user that was entered into the op_oekaki table. ^^

If you need any help with this then i'd be glad to help. You can IM me on AIM or MSN (penguinserenade or

06-06-2005 11:54:11

Perhaps a newest memeber thing would be cool. Perhaps it could appear before the "notice.php include" in index.php. Perhaps an something in the admin cp, that could specify text before and after the name of the newest memeber that has joined the board; making it highly customisable. I don't think this should be too hard to code. *shrugs* just an idea.

EDIT: also, what about user ranks/pips? E.g, a member could gain so many "points" by posting a picture, yet they could lose the points they earned if they decide to delete the picture. They could also get points added on by admins if the admins think they are good. Perhaps they could also earn a small amount for posting comment. This could then be added up, and depending on how many points they have would determin how many pips are displaid. I've seen this idea on another oekaki.

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