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Topic review (newest first)

08-27-2005 04:50:39

Any host that has the following can run a Wacintaki board:

Windows or UNIX server

Apache web server (IIS has minor issues)

PHP version 4.3 or higher

1 available MySQL database

25 - 50 Megs of space

250 Megs - 1 Gig of bandwidth per month, depending on number of visitors.  My board uses about 6.5 Gigs per month, with 940 members (70% of my website bandwidth is used by my oekaki).

Many free hosting services offer this, but may skimp a bit on your bandwidth limit.  Banner ads may cause issues with animations, but shouldn't interfere with your oekaki banner or menus.

08-26-2005 16:27:40

You can e-mail me how (I use my younger brothers AOL name since I'm to lazy to make one for me, e-mail for AOL is IT'S MY BROTHERS) if you want, or just tell me. I'm going to lurk my posts on the board. (This board specific)

08-26-2005 15:14:02

Where do we get a host for Wacintaki Oekaki?

06-15-2005 05:39:22

Version 1.2.0 has been released today.  It doesn't have much in the way of new features, but a lot of stuff has been rewritten and improved.  The updater has also been rewritten, so people should have an easy time with the update.

What's important is the new security model which uses admin ranks rather than user flags.  If you have a mod of Wacintkai, you'll have to take this into account, as the old "ASO" flags are gone!  The global "$flags[]" keyed array has all the info, now.  Take a look at "boot.php" to see how to use the new permissions.

I didn't get a chance to add group project suport, as 1.2.0 fixed a lot of stuff and I didn't want to delay the release any further, or start tearing things apart and breaking them again.  Look for group projects and "public domain" in version 1.3.0, and maybe... just maybe... guest drawing.

Of course, let me know of any bugs ASAP.  I've been using a beta version for a month on my own site, so I doubt there's too much wrong with it.  wink

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