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Topic review (newest first)

12-08-2006 13:54:39

This is a rushed script, which is far from idea, but should be sufficient to create the basis for the converted template. Certain things could not be "transcribed" because Wacintaki has some new variables. For some of the variables, the script takes a guess, for the others, UNDEFINED may be printed, meaning you should fill those out yourself.


1. Create a folder names "files".

2. Upload the WAX POTETO templates that you wish to convert

3. Create a php script, and name it run.php for example:


include ('files/Umbreon.php');

$myfile = 'files/Umbreon.php' ;
$temp_contents = file_get_contents ($myfile);

<h1>Original Wax Poteto CSS:</h1>
<textarea name="banneredit" cols="150" rows="20" class="multiline"><?= $temp_contents ?></textarea>

Extracting color codes from wax CSS file....<br>
Converting variables to new CSS file...<br>
Writing new CSS file compatible with Wacintaki.....

<h1>New Wacintaki CSS:</h1>

<p><font face="Lucida Console" size="2">&lt;?php<br>
// Wacintaki Poteto template format, v1.0.2<br>
$tversion = 'wac-1.0.2';<br>
// Control variable. Values are 'build' or 'parse'<br>
// 'build' will return entire template, 'parse' will define variables only<br>
if (!isset($tcontrol)) {<br>
$tcontrol = 'build';<br>
// Main vars<br>
$t_name = '<b>UNDEFINED</b>';<br>
$t_author = 'Pinkie Pichu';<br>
$t_email = '';<br>
$t_url = '';<br>
$t_comment = '<b>UNDEFINED</b>';<br>
$tnotes = &lt;&lt;&lt;EOF<br>
Template: $t_name<br>
Author: $t_author<br>
WWW: $t_url<br>
E-Mail: $t_email<br>
Comments: $t_comment<br>
// General<br>
$bgColor = '<?= $bgColor ?>';<br>
$bgImage = '<?= $bgImage ?>';<br>
$fontSize = '<?= $fontSize ?>';<br>
$fontFace = '<?= $fontFace ?>';<br>
$textColor = '<?= $textColor ?>';<br>
$link='<?= $link ?>';<br>
$aLink='<?= $aLink ?>';<br>
$vLink='<?= $vLink ?>';<br>
$dStamp = '<?= $dStamp ?>';<br>
// Menus<br>
$mBackgroundColor = '<?= $mBackgroundColor ?>';<br>
$mFontSize = '<b>UNDEFINED</b>';<br>
$mFontSmallSize = '<b>UNDEFINED</b>';<br>
$mBorderSize = '1px';<br>
$mBorderColor = '<?= $mBorderColor ?>';<br>
$mBorderStyle = '<?= $mBorderStyle ?>';<br>
// Page numbers<br>
$pFontSize = '9pt';<br>
$pMargin = '5%';<br>
$pBackgroundColor = '';<br>
// Headers<br>
$hTextColor = '<?= $hTextColor ?>';<br>
$hBackgroundColor = '<b>UNDEFINED</b>';<br>
$hFontSize = '<?= $hFontSize ?>';<br>
$hBorderSize = '<?= $hBorderSize ?>';<br>
$hBorderColor = '<?= $hBorderColor ?>';<br>
$hBorderStyle = '<?= $hBorderStyle ?>';<br>
// Containers<br>
// <b>UNDEFINED VARIABLES:</b> <i>the script has made an attempt to make the following match the layout, nevertheless, remember that computers are dumb</i> <br>
$dMargin = '5%';<br>
$dPadding = '11px';<br>
$dBackgroundColor = '<?= $cStripColor ?>';<br>
$dBorderSize = '1px';<br>
$dBorderColor = '<?= $cBorderColor ?>';<br>
$dBorderStyle = 'solid';<br>
// Match post borders? (if same style and colors)<br>
$match_borders = 'yes';<br>
// Active page number<br>
$apFontSize = '14pt';<br>
$apColor = 'black';<br>
// Comment Headers<br>
$cStripColor = '<?= $cStripColor ?>';<br>
// Comments<br>
$cFontSize = '<?= $cFontSize ?>';<br>
$cPostbgColor = '<?= $cPostbgColor ?>';<br>
$cPostColor = '<?= $cPostColor ?>';<br>
$cBorderSize = '<?= $cBorderSize ?>';<br>
$cBorderColor = '<?= $cBorderColor ?>';<br>
$cBorderStyle = '<?= $cBorderStyle ?>';<br>
// Pop-ups<br>
$popFontSize = '10pt';<br>
// Mutilines (Text Input)<br>
$tInputHeight = '<?= $tInputHeight ?>';<br>
$tInputFontSize = '<?= $tInputFontSize ?>';<br>
$tInputFontColor = '<?= $tInputFontColor ?>';<br>
$tInputBackgroundColor = '<?= $tInputBackgroundColor ?>';<br>
// Buttons<br>
$sButtonHeight = '<?= $sButtonHeight ?>';<br>
$sButtonFontSize = '<?= $sButtonFontSize ?>';<br>
$sButtonFontColor = '<?= $sButtonFontColor ?>';<br>
$sButtonBackgroundColor = '<?= $sButtonBackgroundColor ?>';<br>
$sButtonBorderSize = '<?= $sButtonBorderSize ?>';<br>
$sButtonBorderColor = '<?= $sButtonBorderColor ?>';<br>
$sButtonBorderStyle = '<?= $sButtonBorderStyle ?>';<br>
// Scollbars (IE only)<br>
$useScrollbars = 'no';<br>
$scrollBase = '';<br>
$scrollArrow = '';<br>
$scrollFace = '';<br>
$scrollHighlight = '';<br>
$scrollShadow = '';<br>
$scroll3D = '';<br>
// Chat<br>
$ChatPostFont = '&quot;Courier New&quot;, &quot;Courier&quot;, monospace';<br>
$ChatPostFontSize = '9pt';<br>
$ChatHeaderColor = '#E0E0E0';<br>
// Modes<br>
if ($tcontrol == 'build') {<br>
// Fix borders for post headers<br>
if ($match_borders == 'yes') {<br>
$hBorderFixed = &quot;$hBorderSize $hBorderSize 0 $hBorderSize&quot;;<br>
} else {<br>
$hBorderFixed = $hBorderSize;<br>
echo &lt;&lt;&lt;EOF<br>
/* Links */<br>
a:link {<br>
text-decoration: none;<br>
color: $link;<br>
a:visited {<br>
text-decoration: none;<br>
color: $link;<br>
a:hover {<br>
text-decoration: underline;<br>
a:active {<br>
text-decoration: none;<br>
span.nolink {<br>
color: $link;<br>
.imghover {<br>
padding: 1px;<br>
border-width: 1px;<br>
border-color: $dBackgroundColor;<br>
border-style: solid;<br>
.imghover:hover {<br>
padding: 1px;<br>
border-width: 1px;<br>
border-color: $link;<br>
border-style: solid;<br>
.imgthumb {<br>
padding: 1px;<br>
border-width: 1px;<br>
border-color: $link;<br>
border-style: solid;<br>
.imgthumb:hover {<br>
padding: 1px;<br>
border-width: 1px;<br>
border-color: $dBackgroundColor;<br>
border-style: solid;<br>
/* Tags */<br>
html {<br>
margin: 0;<br>
padding: 0;<br>
color: $textColor;<br>
font-family: $fontFace;<br>
font-size: $fontSize;<br>
body {<br>
margin: 0;<br>
padding: 0;<br>
background-color: $bgColor;<br>
background-image: url(&quot;$bgImage&quot;);<br>
if ($useScrollbars == 'yes') {<br>
echo &lt;&lt;&lt;EOF<br>
scrollbar-arrow-color: $scrollArrow;<br>
scrollbar-base-color: $scrollBase;<br>
scrollbar-face-color: $scrollFace;<br>
scrollbar-highlight-color: $scrollHighlight;<br>
scrollbar-shadow-color: $scrollShadow;<br>
scrollbar-3d-light-color: $scroll3D;<br>
echo &lt;&lt;&lt;EOF<br>
hr {<br>
/* Used only for non-CSS browsers */<br>
display: none;<br>
form {<br>
margin: 0;<br>
padding: 0;<br>
p.indent {<br>
text-indent: 2em;<br>
padding: 0;<br>
font-size: $fontSize;<br>
p.subtext {<br>
text-indent: 0;<br>
margin: 0 0 0 1em;<br>
font-size: $fontSize;<br>
font-style: italic;<br>
/* Header */<br>
#banner {<br>
background-color: $bgColor;<br>
border-width: 0 0 $mBorderSize 0;<br>
border-color: $mBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $mBorderStyle;<br>
#menubar {<br>
width: 100%;<br>
padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;<br>
background-color: $mBackgroundColor;<br>
background-image: url(&quot;&quot;);<br>
font-size: $mFontSize;<br>
border-width: 0 0 $mBorderSize 0;<br>
border-color: $mBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $mBorderStyle;<br>
#options {<br>
width: 100%;<br>
padding: 7px 10px 7px 10px;<br>
background-color: $hBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $mFontSize;<br>
border-width: 0 0 $mBorderSize 0;<br>
border-color: $mBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $mBorderStyle;<br>
span.newmail {<br>
/* New messages! */<br>
font-weight: bold;<br>
#adminbar {<br>
/* FIX: Leftover admin stuff */<br>
padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px;<br>
background-color: $mBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $mFontSmallSize;<br>
border-width: 0 0 $mBorderSize 0;<br>
border-color: $mBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $mBorderStyle;<br>
#notice {<br>
/* Board-specific drabble */<br>
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;<br>
/* Content */<br>
.pages {<br>
/* Styles for page navigators */<br>
margin: 0 $pMargin 0 $pMargin;<br>
text-align: center;<br>
background-color: $pBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $pFontSize;<br>
font-weight: bold;<br>
border-width: $pButtonBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $pBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $pBorderStyle;<br>
.activepage {<br>
/* Current page number in page navigators */<br>
color: $apColor;<br>
font-size: $apFontSize;<br>
font-weight: normal;<br>
#contentmain {<br>
/* Container for all content on all pages except pop-ups */<br>
margin: 0 $dMargin 0 $dMargin;<br>
.postheader {<br>
/* Header for each post */<br>
padding: 5px;<br>
text-align: left;<br>
color: $hTextColor;<br>
background-color: $hBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $hFontSize;<br>
border-width: $hBorderFixed;<br>
border-color: $hBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $hBorderStyle;<br>
.postmain {<br>
/* Container for each post */<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
padding: $dPadding;<br>
background-color: $dBackgroundColor;<br>
border-width: $dBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $dBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $dBorderStyle;<br>
.postdata {<br>
/* Picture for each post */<br>
text-align: center;<br>
background-color: $cPostbgColor;<br>
.commentmain {<br>
/* Container for each comment */<br>
margin: 0 0 0 10px;<br>
.commentheader {<br>
/* Header for each comment */<br>
padding: 1px 0 2px 10px;<br>
text-align: left;<br>
background-color: $cStripColor;<br>
font-size: 13px;<br>
border-width: $cBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $cBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $cBorderStyle;<br>
.commentinfo {<br>
/* Inherits from commentheader */<br>
color: $dStamp;<br>
font-size: 11px;<br>
.commentdata {<br>
/* The actual comments */<br>
margin-bottom: 8px;<br>
padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px;<br>
text-align: left;<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
color: $cPostColor;<br>
background-color: $cPostbgColor;<br>
font-size: $cFontSize;<br>
border-width: 0 $cBorderSize $cBorderSize $cBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $cBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $cBorderStyle;<br>
#footer {<br>
/* Copyright */<br>
padding: 8px;<br>
text-align: right;<br>
background-color: $mBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: 10px;<br>
border-width: $mBorderSize 0 $mBorderSize 0;<br>
border-color: $mBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $mBorderStyle;<br>
/* Menus and Config */<br>
.header {<br>
/* General header (should follow PostHeader styles) */<br>
text-align: center;<br>
margin: 0;<br>
padding: 3px 0 3px 0;<br>
color: $hTextColor;<br>
background-color: $hBackgroundColor;<br>
font-weight: normal;<br>
font-size: $hFontSize;<br>
border-width: $hBorderFixed;<br>
border-color: $hBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $hBorderStyle;<br>
.infotable {<br>
/* Simple formatting for generic tables */<br>
padding: 1% 5% 1% 5%;<br>
color: $hTextColor;<br>
background-color: $cPostbgColor;<br>
font-size: $hFontSize;<br>
border-width: $dBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $dBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $dBorderStyle;<br>
.infomain {<br>
/* Style for admin panel tables */<br>
width: 100%;<br>
p.infonote {<br>
/* General information at the top of infotables */<br>
padding: 1em;<br>
text-indent: 30pt;<br>
text-align: justify;<br>
border-width: $hBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $hBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $hBorderStyle;<br>
.infoask {<br>
/* Admin panel options */<br>
/* NOTE: IE doesn't like percentages! */<br>
width: 200px;<br>
text-align: right;<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
padding-right: 20px;<br>
.infoenter {<br>
/* Admin panel form data */<br>
/* NOTE: IE doesn't like percentages! */<br>
text-align: left;<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
.txtinput {<br>
color: $tInputFontColor;<br>
font-size: $tInputFontSize;<br>
background-color: $tInputBackgroundColor;<br>
.submit {<br>
color: $sButtonFontColor;<br>
background: $sButtonBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $sButtonFontSize;<br>
border-color: $sButtonBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $sButtonBorderStyle;<br>
border-width: $sButtonBorderSize;<br>
.multiline {<br>
color: $tInputFontColor;<br>
font-size: $tInputFontSize;<br>
background-color: $tInputBackgroundColor;<br>
/* Popup stuff, may be smaller than normal pages */<br>
/* Tags */<br>
.pheader {<br>
/* General header (should follow PostHeader styles) */<br>
text-align: center;<br>
padding: 4px;<br>
color: $hTextColor;<br>
background-color: $hBackgroundColor;<br>
font-size: $popFontSize;<br>
border-width: $hBorderFixed;<br>
border-color: $hBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $hBorderStyle;<br>
.pinfotable {<br>
/* Simple formatting for generic tables */<br>
padding: 1% 5% 1% 5%;<br>
color: $hTextColor;<br>
background-color: $cPostbgColor;<br>
font-size: $popFontSize;<br>
border-width: $dBorderSize;<br>
border-color: $dBorderColor;<br>
border-style: $dBorderStyle;<br>
.pinfoask {<br>
/* Admin panel options */<br>
text-align: right;<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
padding-right: 10px;<br>
font-weight: bold;<br>
.pinfoenter {<br>
/* Admin panel form data */<br>
text-align: left;<br>
vertical-align: top;<br>
.ptxtinput {<br>
height: $tInputHeight;<br>
color: $tInputFontColor;<br>
font-size: $tInputFontSize;<br>
background-color: $tInputBackgroundColor;<br>
.chatinfo {<br>
text-align: center;<br>
background-color: $ChatHeaderColor;<br>
.pchatdialog {<br>
font-family: $ChatPostFont;<br>
font-size: $ChatPostFontSize;<br>
} ?&gt;</font></p>


4. Edit the top lines:


include ('files/Umbreon.php');

$myfile = 'files/Umbreon.php' ;

to where ever you file is located and named.

5. Run the script by calling it on your browser.

6. Copy the printed code of the new file into a new text file and name it whatever.php.

If anyone wants to edit the code to make it more sophisticated, I'd love to see what you come up with. wink

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