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07-07-2005 16:17:43

Oh gosh, how could I miss that!?  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  ^_^

07-07-2005 02:14:51

5) The "shipainter" folder is missing on the server.  smile

07-06-2005 00:21:00

Oh, sorry, I forgot to provide the link!  >.<  It's  I updated my Java, but it still won't show the animation.  I'm thinking my problem may be #2, since the board isn't on a free site and there are no ads.

07-05-2005 01:31:07

Could be several things.

1) You may have to update to the newest version of Java.

2) Your server is Microsoft IIS, and you will have to add MIME types to tell the server to serve .pch and .oeb files.

3) Banner ads on a free site are corrupting the animation data.

4) Your Java cache is corrupt and the applet won't load.

Some of these issues can be difficult to resolve, so if you provide a link, I'll check it out.  Problem #1 is most common, though, so you can try going to and getting the latest Java.

07-04-2005 20:10:02

When I click on the animation link, it opens the window, but I get a red x.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  ^_^

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