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07-07-2005 17:13:15

Waccoon wrote:

Sorry, but the template editor in OekakiPoteto doesn't work with Wacintaki because it now uses CSS instead of HTML for styling.  You'll have to create your own template or CSS file.

I don't have any plans to write a template editor, as it's a real pain, but if you know anything about web pages, you should be able to open up either Banana.php or Banana.css and make changes.  The PHP file generates a CSS file, so it's more flexible than editing the CSS file directly.

The error message you're getting is because the old OekakiPoteto template editor requires the folder to be CHMOD to 777, but Wacintaki uses 755 by default.  "No bootstrap" is caused because the template editor doesn't use boot.php, which is what logs people in and handles security.

Ah, okay. I figured that you included one and did a check before appearing on the menu.

Okay, thats not a problem then. I didn't want to go editing the templates if there was an easier method. Thanks for the help.

07-07-2005 02:24:28

Sorry, but the template editor in OekakiPoteto doesn't work with Wacintaki because it now uses CSS instead of HTML for styling.  You'll have to create your own template or CSS file.

I don't have any plans to write a template editor, as it's a real pain, but if you know anything about web pages, you should be able to open up either Banana.php or Banana.css and make changes.  The PHP file generates a CSS file, so it's more flexible than editing the CSS file directly.

The error message you're getting is because the old OekakiPoteto template editor requires the folder to be CHMOD to 777, but Wacintaki uses 755 by default.  "No bootstrap" is caused because the template editor doesn't use boot.php, which is what logs people in and handles security.

07-06-2005 02:06:24

I upgraded from Poteto 5.x to 1.2.0 tonight.

Well, at first I thought it was strange that I didn't have a style editor in my admin options. And then, when I checked the pages themselves, it said that I had to have the directorys chmoded to 777, which I clearly do. This is the exact error:

"You need to CHMOD your templates directory to 777 to create templates! Read the readme.txt file if you haven't figured out what other files you need to CHMOD.No bootstrap. Exiting."

Any ideas?

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