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07-17-2005 01:05:23

In functions.php, search for "adduser".

Directly underneath, you should see this:


$draw_access   = $_POST['draw_access'];
$anim_access   = $_POST['anim_access'];
$upload_access = $_POST['upload_access'];

replace it with this:


$draw_access   = $_POST['reg_draw'];
$anim_access   = $_POST['reg_anim'];
$upload_access = $_POST['reg_upload'];

Gotta take better notes when I change things.  :6

07-16-2005 09:40:30

^^ Thanks I'll try the patch when you release it. For now I've just edited the functions.php to set the flags GDMU as soon as the user registers instead of P.

07-15-2005 04:41:02

Oh, duh.  I didn't recognize your name.

If you recently updated to 1.2.0, you'll need the 1.2.1 patch which I'll be releasing this weekend.  If you're still using 1.1.5, I'll need to know if you're getting any error messages or whatnot.  If you try to re-register and your server's e-mail system isn't working, the board should let you know.

07-15-2005 04:37:29

For Wax poteto?  I do know of an issue with Wacintaki that will be fixed in 1.2.1.

Is the board just not sending/receiving mails properly, not setting flags, or returning an error?

07-14-2005 11:24:41

Well for a while now automated validation hasn't been working for my board. I ignored it for a while but it's kind of getting more important to me because I'm getting more members daily.  ^^;; Is there a way I can fix this?

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