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10-13-2009 07:31:36

Hi, i just had a question about installing this mod...

ive done everything that is mentioned in the guide, but the one bit im stuck on is:


Add a link for the oekaki into phpBB as follows:
Install it using as you would for this mod: blank_template_mod_1.0.2


i dont understand what is ment by that...

pleae can someone elibrate?
does it mean just to put a link?

if that is the case, is there a way to make it look like its more intergrated like gallery does?

thank you!!

06-10-2009 21:07:14

I would love to turn Wacintaki into an add-on for SMF so that it could be used with the sites template system. However, that degree of coding may be way above my head, but I could certainly give it a try.

Actually taking advantage of SMF's user authentication system was a piece of cake to plug into Wacintaki after stripping out the features I didn't need.

If I have time and make headway on turning it into an actual mod for SMF that would be integrated straight into the site I'll let you know.

(Might not be feasible for my purpose because of using two separate instances of Wacintaki, but it could be fun to spread the popularity out so more people can use it.)

06-10-2009 01:00:24

Out of curiosity, how are people integrating Wacintaki into these forums and CMSes (Content Management Systems)?

What I've seen so far is that Wacintaki will be installed as normal in its own folder on the server, and the CMS login would be used for authorization.  As a result, you only need to log into the CMS to be logged into Wacintaki.  However, the CMS and oekaki board are still totally separate, with their own URLs.

What I think would be more interesting is if there was a way to simply use the applets, applet framework, and comment code so that oekakis could be posted directly into forum posts, blogs, and so on, without the need to use Wacintaki at all.  This isn't the tradition of oekaki, but I'd be interested in knowing if people are looking into this or have done it successfully.  I want to make the applet code more modular, so it can be shared more easily with other PHP-based projects.

06-09-2009 14:56:40

Seeing as this thread hasn't been updated in almost 4 years, I wouldn't count on it.  But I'll actually be working with a buddy to integrate Wacintaki with phpBB3 (and Wordpress), and perhaps he would be open to sharing the process here once we get the project going!

06-04-2009 05:30:27

Can I know if this user integration is available or if you're working for it to support phpbb3?

08-15-2005 00:25:10

wow, nice work, niko!

ever thought about integrating Wacintaki with phpnuke? phpnuke, phpbb, and gallery are already compatible with each other. if  wacintaki was integrated too, it'd be webmaster's a dream come true yikes

08-10-2005 00:10:50

Two people have the modified files,  I haven't heard from them since thier inital contact.   I believe everything is working well,  people have submitted and commented on oekakies etc.  so I am happy.    I have a make shift Portal that shows off the last two oekaki's and this has been getting people to notice the oekaki setup on my site.  so its getting used more now smile   Most people came to draw on paintchat.

Wacintaki is very nice to work with !  Thank you Waccoon ^_^

And I shouldn't have commented on OP figure heads the way I did, but It was fustrating for ages not to have shi-painter (loves the pen tool) , for as long as it was.    and they had the mod and used it themselfs on there own personal oekakis but wouldn't release it to everyone else.    Instead they gave lots of empty promisses and stalling over the years and it was like 2 years >.<   A person grows old in 2 years tongue

the source for the phpBB mod and modified Wacintaki files has been uploaded to  it should be made available with in a day or two.

email me if you wish to test or download and its not available from phpBBhacks

I do not need any credit for this mod/hack, but I would ask that all questions concerning problems be asked to me, so Waccoon doesn't pull out all his hair.    And if Waccoon wants to look, dissect, add to, repackage or anything that was done, he is welcome to do it and make it his own smile smile smile   Thanks Waccoon for supporting us !  You are the best ! big_smile


niko ^.^

08-06-2005 05:31:19

Wow, this kind of integration is so time consuiming, I didn't think anyone would actually do it.  Good work.  smile

This IS a lot more difficult than people may realize, because scripts can't read other script's cookies or sessions directly.

* multi  wakintaki board userflag and rank support e.g each oekaki board shares the user table, but each wakintaki board has a seperate table for user flags, permissions, template.

Definately something I've wanted to do for a while, especially so people don't need the cookie hack, and can easily add things like avatars.  However, this won't happen until I rewrite everything from scratch (which will be released under a different name, not Wacintaki 2.0).  I'm not too keen on working with this codebase, anymore.

Officially, the rewrite won't happen anytime soon.  I'm still pretty clueless about template engines and other abstraction layers.

* collab password feature - each drawing is optionally given a password by its author. so others can re-touch the drawing to make collabs.

Started working on that.  Right now what I have to fix is the fact that the board will only allow you to retouch with the original applet, which sucks for people who can't run OekakiBBS or don't like ShiPainter.  Getting this to work is more interface and presentation than internal logic.  I'm fussy about how the interface works.  smile

* coloring book flag for allowing artists to colour your line art, as a new oekaki submission.

1.3 will have a "public domain" flag, allowing anyone to finish a drawing on a new canvas without needing to trade passwords.

Something that the ego frozen OP figure heads should have done ages ago. (e.g. patches to OP to support shi-painter)

As this isn't really my code, I don't like to knock the OP developers.  However, I find it disheartening that my work (the PHP5 patch) didn't officially become part of OekakiPoteto until Oekaki Central got hacked.  I've been complaining about the security flaws for a long time.

08-05-2005 08:43:06

I use phpBB to manage user access to my site and paintchat.  Everyone has to register, and this minimizes spammers.  I also have oekaki boards on the side.   This requires people to register via phpBB message forums,   then register again for Wacintaki.   I decided to integrate user access into phpBB.  The changes took about 20 hours of work, striping out duplicate features integrating Wacintaki's user tables.  And now my users only register once.   Usrflag permissions is still managed throught wacintaki but all account management (register/add/del/ban) is done via phpBB.  Next I am adding a portal to the site to showcase the most recent oekaki's,   messages in message forum,  whos online,  recent birthdays.   and other site related things like contests etc.

If anyone is interested in this mod, your welcome to it, contact me,  I will give you a link to my site and you can come check it out for yourself.   And your welcome to the modified code, but you have to understand that its unsupported (or limited support as i have time).

Now I am ready to add 3 features.

* multi  wakintaki board userflag and rank support e.g each oekaki board shares the user table, but each wakintaki board has a seperate table for user flags, permissions, template.
* collab password feature - each drawing is optionally given a password by its author. so others can re-touch the drawing to make collabs.
* coloring book flag for allowing artists to colour your line art, as a new oekaki submission.

Waccoon gets a standing ovation and cheers for makeing his version of oekaki avaible to everyone!!!  Something that the OP guys should have done ages ago. (e.g. patches to OP to support shi-painter)


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