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11-24-2007 17:35:35

Ah I see. Yeah, I understand your pain.

Well, one think you can do is to use something along the lines of a Javascript confirm. If you go to register.php, look for this line (line 50):


<?=$langop_agreerulz?>, <a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rules=1';?>"><?=$langop_clickheregister?></a>

You can modify this line using a Javascript confirm code like this:

Or, well. Really any confirm code that is to your liking. But the line above is the one that people click on to say they agree to the rules. What you need is for the link to popup and ask for a final confirmation (which is what the code on the site I just linked to does).

11-24-2007 15:51:34

Sadil wrote:

In Wacintaki, you can set in the control panel whether you want rules to be shown before registration or not. If you select this option, it will also at the bottom of the page say "Click here if you agree to these rules".

The link to the rules is also at the top left of the screen in the template. Anyone who spends 10 seconds of their time trying to look will find it easily. It's bold and emphasized with a !.

I have that selected, yes. People just tend to skip over actually *reading* the rules in favor of registering. One of our members actually had to ask me where the rules link was, because she apparently didn't see it. >>; Very frustrating, when it's so obvious to everyone else. (One of the rules is actually on the front page in big sparkly font, and people STILL claimed to not know about it.)

I added a text link of "Does this comply with the RULES?" above the Submit button on the comment.php page earlier today, but an in-your-face pop-up would be even better.

At least a quarter of our members are around 12 years old and adverse to ignoring rules if they can get away with it. Us mods have been judicious about suspending accounts and such, but if it isn't one person, it's another.

11-24-2007 15:13:08

In Wacintaki, you can set in the control panel whether you want rules to be shown before registration or not. If you select this option, it will also at the bottom of the page say "Click here if you agree to these rules".

The link to the rules is also at the top left of the screen in the template. Anyone who spends 10 seconds of their time trying to look will find it easily. It's bold and emphasized with a !.

11-24-2007 13:25:47

I'm kind of leery of trying to edit this on my own, but does anyone have suggestions for how to add either some kind of pop-up with, "Did you read the rules [Y] [N]" or actually *listing* the rules before members can post their images?

I've had no less than four members ask where the link to the rules was, because they apparently couldn't find it. >>;

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