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01-06-2008 04:33:11

thx  the files extensiosn aren't messed up as you can see >> and both folders are chmod to 777.  the pictures and avatars files are correctly saved in my ftp but the pictures end up chmod in 600 when saved (I tried to chmod picture differently and when i do it manually they can show after that so there is no problems with the writing only the read permission ^^; ).
I tried looking in my phpadmin for the database and when I check for the operations it tell me that there is an error due to some tables fonctions that are desactivated with the PMA database (but I don't know at all if it's the cause or not ^^; )
thx for the help.

01-06-2008 04:23:48

Based on what you're telling me, it sounds like either of two things:

1) The file extensions are messed up.  Put the mouse cursor over one of the broken images and look at the status bar of your web browser.  If the file is missing a file extension ("OP_1." instead of "OP_1.png"), then something is broken and you'll have to run a script to fix it.

2) The server is refusing to serve image files created by PHP (the server itself).  This can happen if the pictures folder is CHMOD to 755 or 777.  Try a CHMOD of 775.

In either case, I'll probably need a link to your board to check out some specifics.  Animations not playing is a common issue, but pictures not showing up can be a pain to resolve.

01-05-2008 07:51:52

hello I just installed wax poteto on my server , it work but I still have a problem , It create pictures and avatars but it won't show them  they're still created .
they only show if I chmod the pictures manually myself but the folders are already on 777 .
can anyone help ?

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