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Topic review (newest first)

08-21-2005 01:22:20

OK, I wrote a tool to fix broken datatypes.  Download it, put it in the root folder of your oekaki, and run it.  Hopefully the datatypes are the only thing that got messed up during the update.  If you have more problems, let me know ASAP.

I'll see if I can track down the issue in the updater.  You're the second person to tell me about this problem.

08-20-2005 22:29:55

I've seen this problem before with a couple images after an update, but not an ENTIRE board.  I'll write up a quick patch to get your file extensions back, then take a closer look at the updater to see if I can figure out what went wrong.

I was away on Saturday, so I should get something to you by Sunday evening.

Janet Merai
08-19-2005 22:10:59

Hi, I have a version of your Wakintaki installed on

However, the images won't show up and end up looking like /pictures/75. instead of 75.png

Any help?
I left the picture prefix blank.

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