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02-09-2008 18:55:10

It is a new install. We completely erased the files of the older version that stopped working, and then tried to upload 5.6.2.

The "unknown column" error probably happened because I replaced the 5.6.2 install.php and functions.php with the 5.6.3 install.php and functions.php, and then tried installing again to see if it would make any difference. I think this means it hasn't.

To me, it seems like FreeHostia changed their policy on what codes were allowed to run while we had the original board (proably 5.5.12 or 5.5.10) up. I think that would mean that, even if we were to install an older version of functions.php now, it wouldn't make any difference.

Again, thanks for all of your help!

02-09-2008 06:19:30

Hmm... so this board was updated from an older version, and is not a new install?

The "Duplicate entry" error maybe ignored.  The "Unknown column" error happens if you attempt to run the installer on top of an older version of the board (prior to 5.6).  Running the installer on an existing board will wipe out pictures, but it won't update it to the latest version or fix a broken board. 

You need to run the updater, not the installer, to patch the database to v5.6 and fix the owner account.  However, this will not fix the login problem.

The only way to fix the login problem would be to upload multiple old versions of the functions.php file and see if one of them works, then compare it to one that doesn't work.  It's probably too time consuming to do that with your account.

02-08-2008 17:07:02

My co-owner had installed an earlier version of Wax Poteto before on FreeHostia. After a while, it stopped working, possibly from FreeHostia policy adjustments. We cleaned out the files, planning to re-install Wax Poteto, but it hasn't worked (as is obvious). I'm pretty sure the oekaki was originally installed a little over a year ago, which I'm guessing would be Wax Poteto 5.5.12 or the version before that (5.5.10?). I can't be completely sure because my co-owner was the one who installed originally, and I only have the files for 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.

EDIT: I just tried re-installing it with the same information, and it gave me something that appears to be an error message:
"Unknown column 'rank' in 'field list' [oekaki_insert]
Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 [oekakimisc_insert]"
I'm don't really know what it means, though, or if it could possibly the cause of our oekaki problems... 

Thank you so much for your help!

02-06-2008 06:51:42

Yeah, many of these free hosts are a pain.  They typically have tight security policies in effect to cut down on spam, and they don't give descriptive error messages, so hackers are less likely to figure out ways to bypass said policies.  It also means diagnosing problems is difficult.  Frankly, any message that says, "Naahh..." is pretty condescending, and says a lot about what's going on behind the scenes.

The board will install, but the "functions.php" file will not run.  This file does not access any files when trying to log in, so I doubt file or folder names has anything to do with it.  As far as I can tell, it's a compile-time issue, so tracing the code that triggers the error is impossible unless I use the trial-and-error method, and I can't afford to do that with any one hosting service.

If you try an older version of the board and it works, tell me which version it is.  I can then track down some differences between the versions and that will narrow down the code that is causing the specific problem.

02-05-2008 18:52:52

I recently tried installing Wax Poteto 5.6.2. It appeared to be fine after installing it, but, when trying to login with the account created during the installation process, it gave me the error message "22 Naahh... it will not work!" I think the error might have been caused by the fact that my webhost ( wouldn't let me create a folder titled "0." (the folder "0" is in the folder "tt") I uploaded all of the files directly into the folder "tt" instead (which was probably not the best idea).

EDIT: I just read a previous post stating that the oekaki cannot be run on FreeHostia, and that would explain this problem, though I believe we've successfully installed and run Wax Poteto (an older version, perhaps?) on FreeHostia once before...

As a warning, my knowledge of PHP, FTP, and MySQL is almost zero. It extends to just enough to have installed the oekaki in the first place and no farther. And, as a note (that may or may not be relevant), my webhost does not seem to have the permission 775, but it does have 777 and 755.

The oekaki page is here, if it's any help at all: … /index.php

Any insight or help on this would be much appreciated... Thank you in advance!

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