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Topic review (newest first)

08-28-2005 22:04:52

I made the workaround.  Get the 1.2.4 patch to fix it.

If your server is not running IIS, you don't need this patch.

This issue is a bit too small to justify updating all my archives, so I'm only posting this patch on the forum.  When I get a few more things together, or get this patch working with Wax Poteto, I'll release it officially on the products page.

08-26-2005 03:30:07

Sigh.  After a number of complaints about login problems, I found out that Microsoft IIS (the web server built into Windows), has issues with cookies and redirects.  More info can be found here:  IIS Bug

I'll try making a workaround for this.

Wacintaki works fine on Windows computers running the Apache web server, as that's what I use to test it.  UNIX isn't actually required.

08-25-2005 19:15:25

Help. I cant login. Nobody can. I just created the oekaki. Do i need a unix server or is windows ok?

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