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04-26-2008 02:54:31

oh i see D:  Thanks so much for the new testinfo page!  It's working great 8)

and yea, im not liking funpic one bit xD  I'm only living with it for now until i cant get a better host, which i'll be paying for.

04-25-2008 04:21:30

-When I go to the diagnostics page, this appears:

Hmm... that particular SQL result isn't supposed to be used, yet.  Try this new diagnostics page:  testinfo

-when people register for my oekaki, they can't put in thier websites sometimes, when they do, then submit it says 'no data. Is a server filter being used?'

Yeah, a server filter is being used.  FunPic is really fussy about what kind of information people can type in.  Certain words in comments will be outright rejected by the server with no warning or messages, so some profile fields will show up as blank.  I guess now even web site links are disallowed.

My only recommendation is to use a host other than FunPic.  That host has been very troublesome.

-when i edit my profile, in the 'comments' section, it says i can use html, and i do, but when i go to view my profile, it only shows the html code and not the images and all.  how do i fix that?

You can't actually put HTML into comments -- the "niftyToo" markup system has to be used, instead.  "niftyToo" in Wax Poteto is very similar to the BBCode markup used on many forums (such as this forum), except it doesn't support images.

OekakiPoteto and older versions of Wax did allow HTML, but that is a security risk, and it had to be changed.

04-24-2008 22:54:18

Hey 8)  I'm a newbie here, please bear with me XD;

I've just set up my oekaki, and I'm having some slight issues:

-When I go to the diagnostics page, this appears:

Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/export/www/hosting/ravingoekaki/RO/testinfo.php on line 40

that shows at the top, then the rest of the page is ok, any way to fix this?

-when people register for my oekaki, they can't put in thier websites sometimes, when they do, then submit it says 'no data. Is a server filter being used?' something like that, but when they dont put thier site in, and put the rest of the into they need to give, it goes ok.  Why is it doing that, and can I fix that?

-when i edit my profile, in the 'comments' section, it says i can use html, and i do, but when i go to view my profile, it only shows the html code and not the images and all.  how do i fix that?

- and lastly, is there anyway to fix that whole thing about the new version of java not working for the applet in the new version of firefox?

any help is greatly appreciated <3

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