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Humanity test

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07-04-2008 20:05:48

Yes.  Wax 5.5.13 introduced a humanity test for registration and guest commenting, to help weed out spambots.  It's a simple math question, but it works surprisingly well (I use it here on the forum, as well).

I assume you have to ask somebody to update the board for you, so a custom script to purge all those excess registrations is probably not going to work.  I'll make a quick change to the registration code to allow deleting multiple registrations, and I'll post it here.

EDIT:  OK, the updater you need is here: Update 5.5.13 to 5.6.4

This includes a new tool to clear out all those spam registrations, so you don't have to click a few hundred times.

After the files are copied into place, the board will tell you to run the updater.  If you have any issues with it, let me know.

07-04-2008 18:42:54

Rather than making a new topic I'll ask here. Will updating get rid of this problem? The bots have flooded account registration....... The reason I did not update before was because I did not want to bother my host.

04-30-2008 12:45:49

Thanks a lot for the help. I can log in with no problems now.

The image upload problem was on the "no-name oekaki" only. We found out that it was host related. I'll have to look for a new webhost for that board someday.

04-30-2008 01:32:27

Your password was blank!  I set a new password for you and I'll e-mail it to you.

Ah, you're using Wax 5.5.11.  I forgot the ban list in that version of the board has a bug in it, so it doesn't work correctly.  An update will fix this.  Sorry about that.

I don't care about jpg compression of thumbnails. I just do not want my actual pictures to be pixelated.

The "hacks.php" file was introduced in Wax 5.6.  If you update to the latest version, you'll be able to change the JPEG compression properties.

I'll ask Mathew if he can change the board to a Wacintaki. Will that fix work in it also? or would it require a different change?

Yes, the JPEG hack works in both boards.  When Wax Poteto was updated to version 5.6, it started using a lot of the code (and features) of Wacintaki.  These days, the two boards are pretty similar.

Basically, Wacintaki has a few more features.  The biggest feature is group picture support, with passwords on pictures.  That allows people to edit other peoples' pictures.  Wax Poteto does not support this, and probably won't for a while.

However, Wax Poteto includes a few things that Wacintaki does not.  In particular, Wax has a template editor.  I see you have created a custom purple template for your board.  If you change to Wacintaki, you will not be able to use that template anymore.  If you don't know how to program in CSS, then you will have to use one of the default templates that comes with Wacintaki, which is pretty similar to the default templates that come with Wax Poteto.  You might want to keep that in mind before switching to Wacintaki.

Personally, I'd recommend just updating to Wax 5.6.3.  You won't be missing a lot of functionality by sticking with Wax.  Besides, to update to Wacintaki, you must update to Wax 5.6.3, first.  So, it would be best to update to 5.6.3 now and test it out for a while.

Error looking for a recent picture.

I didn't have any trouble posting a picture while logged into your account.  When I send you your new password, try logging in and trying again.

Note that Firefox is still having trouble posting oekaki pictures due to a compatibility problem with Java.  IE, Opera, and Safari don't have this problem, so you may want to avoid using Firefox for now.  According to Sun Microsystems (the developers of Java) the compatibility issue has been fixed and an update to Java will be released soon.

04-29-2008 06:31:16

When I try to recover password it gives me the same error.

I have tried in IE, Firefox and Safari. It does not work in any of them.

I had this error happen once before. The only difference is that my account still has all it's flags. I think the problem happened because I edited my profile... *was testing templates*


The ban list does not accept any numbers. The list remains blank, but there is no error.


I don't care about jpg compression of thumbnails. I just do not want my actual pictures to be pixelated.

I don't have any worries about bandwidth. *is not very popular*

I'll ask Mathew if he can change the board to a Wacintaki. Will that fix work in it also? or would it require a different change?


I know how to use animation uploads due to past experience. I have just never owned a board with that ability.

Edit: new error on new oekaki

the normal upload works but oekaki uploads do not

Error looking for a recent picture.

Use your browser button to go back.

04-29-2008 02:43:57

I lost the ability to log into my oekaki account... I get the fallowing error.

Have you tried the password recovery feature, yet?  That will only work if your server can send e-mails, though.

It's also possible that your browser cookies are messed up.  To reset your browser cookies:

Internet Explorer 6
Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Cookies

Internet Explorer 7
Tools Button -> Delete Browsing History -> Delete Cookies

Tools -> Clear Private Data

Tools -> Delete Private Data

Safari -> Preferences -> Security -> Show Cookies -> Remove All

I still lack the ability to ban people on this oekaki.

Is that because the ban list will not accept any numbers you type in, or you get an error message?  Once we take care of the login issue, we'll be able to take a closer look at this problem.

Well I was recently given a new oekaki board. It's a Wax Poteto 5.6.3. The problem is that this version does not allow me to remove jpg compression...

If I can change it to a Wacintaki, would I still have the same problem?

Do you mean JPG compression on the pictures or the thumbnails?  Wax 5.6.3 now supports the same thumbnail system as Wacintaki, so a switch to Wacintaki won't make the thumbnails work any differently.

To get rid of JPG compression on pictures, you need to open up the "hacks.php" file in a text editor and change the value of this line:


define ('APPLET_NO_JPEG', 0);


define ('APPLET_NO_JPEG', 1);

Please note that this will increase bandwidth usage if people like to download completed pictures to their computers.

Does Wacintaki have animation upload access? *forgot*

Yes.  Eventually this will be added to Wax Poteto, but generally, Wacintaki gets all the new features first.  wink

Note that people still have to upload a picture to go with the animation.  The picture doesn't have to match the animation, but you can't just upload the animation all by itself.

04-28-2008 23:12:14

Hello again. LOL

Problem 1

I lost the ability to log into my oekaki account... I get the fallowing error.

"Access Denied: Your password is invalid, or you are still a pending member.

Use your browser button to go back. "

Problem 2.

I still lack the ability to ban people on this oekaki.



New oekaki new problem

Well I was recently given a new oekaki board. It's a Wax Poteto 5.6.3. The problem is that this version does not allow me to remove jpg compression... 

If I can change it to a Wacintaki, would I still have the same problem?

Does Wacintaki have animation upload access? *forgot*


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