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05-23-2008 22:24:39

Heh, I hate it when that happens. But there are a couple really nice java IDE's out there for free.

If you insist on buying an IDE, i'd recommend jcreator,
The academic 1 user license is only $35

Personally, I prefer using the eclipse editor

If you're willing to be needled a bit, I'd be willing to work with you on either a recode of the current bbs system, and/or building some new applets.

It would be a fun project for me, and as I am already working on some hacks for third party software using your bbs.

05-23-2008 05:53:14

Well, that depends what modifications you'd like to make.  "Abandonware" does not exist, so my feeling is that modifying the applets to add features isn't really acceptable.  It's the responsibility of the programmer involved to make a new project, rather than patch up someone else's project without permission.

I tend to focus on improving compatibility and fixing bugs, so there aren't many things I'd like to changes in the applets.  Above all else, multipart encoding would be a major improvement, because then, it would be possible to "legally" import cookies without requiring any hacks or headers.  That  alone makes coding the applets, and using them as modules on forum software, a major problem.  Part of the reason why oekaki mods don't exist for forums like phpBB or vBulletin is because the applets are simply not compatible with the authorization systems used by modern forum software.  Wacintaki gets by using custom authorization code.  That would not be possible on other boards that use the $_COOKIE superglobal.  OekakiBBS, in particular, is impossible to use correctly.  Technically, it should not even work at all!  Modern web browsers find ways to "fix" the applet's behavior, but this will not work once XHTML becomes more widespread.

The other thing would be nice to fix is the pixel drag delta in ShiPainter.  That is, when you click, the applet won't draw the pixel.  You have to click, hold, and move the mouse cursor to the adjacent pixel to get the applet to draw anything.  Photoshop has a similar problem with its brushes and the way it handles interpolation with the pencil and pen tools.  It's a major pain for pixel artists like me.

The major obstacle for me is that I don't know Java that well.  Practically every change I made to the code made the Java compiler throw a tantrum, so I had to get myself an IDE.  I stopped working on the code when I found out the SocketPermission() issue wasn't the fault of the applet, and the trial period for my IDE ran out.

05-22-2008 19:26:28

In a few more years they should become open to the public, much like public reading and such (abandoned projects)

Hopefully something will come along before then, however if not, i'm sure nobody would complain about furthering a great piece of software, that would otherwise be lost in the depths of time

05-22-2008 04:15:05

Neither PaintBBS or ShiPainter is being actively maintained, as far as I know.  They have not seen updates in over two years, and the author is nowhere to be found.

It is fairly easy to reverse engineer the applets, and I do have copies of the "decompiled" sources without comments and context.  But, this is a violation of the license, so I don't care to modify the applets unless they both simply stop working completely.  I've run into that sort of issue when people had the SocketPermission() errors, but those were resolved with a new version of Java.

05-21-2008 21:39:57

Are the js files still updated? (I know they are 3rd party software)

If not, do you have the source? | Care to update the source?

Its easy enough to reverse .js code, so if you had the will/interest to update the applets yourself, I'd be happy to work with you on it.

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