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06-17-2008 07:06:33

Well, I was hoping the easy way would work.

What you need to do is download this file, open it up into a text editor like Notepad, and change the default name and password to your username and new password.  Then upload and run it:

You may have to clear your browser cookies before you can log in again, but you might not, so try logging in, first.

If you have trouble editing the file, just e-mail me your name and new password and I'll fix it for you.

06-17-2008 05:31:47

Waccoon wrote:

Try a blank password, or a space or two as your password.  Wax versions before 1.6.4 had a bug where the profile editor might blank out the password if there was a space (as opposed to nothing) in the password field.

This also doesn't work :< Is there anything else I can try?

06-17-2008 01:19:55

Try a blank password, or a space or two as your password.  Wax versions before 1.6.4 had a bug where the profile editor might blank out the password if there was a space (as opposed to nothing) in the password field.

Once you've logged in, use this script to reset your password:
The old profile editor doesn't allow you to change your password if it is blank

06-16-2008 18:21:33


I was the only super administrator for the oekaki I made, but after editing my profile I was logged out and couldn't log back in again. I tried to recover my password, and it worked until I got the email and clicked the link to change it, where I got some kind of 404 message.
I've tried it several times but it never works, i'm wondering is there any other way that I'll be able to log back in?

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