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Topic review (newest first)

07-12-2008 16:27:53

Thanks a ton waccoon big_smile preciate it

07-11-2008 04:35:18

Done.  It's part of the 1.3.14 hotfix (Wacintaki).  It will also show up in Wax Poteto 5.6.5.

I re-enabled the ability to have duplicate e-mails for those people who wanted to switch names without having to ask an admin to delete that member's old account.  I'll add a feature to control handling of duplicate e-mails in the next release.

07-10-2008 13:28:05

PLEASE please please! include a sort by email address!

That way I can sort by email, find all the stupid duplicate accounts, and nuke em!

That is all :3

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