NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

07-12-2008 16:56:49 - I haven't tried them, so I can't say how well they work.


07-12-2008 01:08:52

There are some listed in the Features and Suggestions forum.

Any additions or insights would be appreciated.

07-11-2008 15:54:49

Due to my current host being unable to allow me to upload images, I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions on ~free~ oekaki hosts.
Key word being free. Also, if possible, no forced ads, but if it isn't negotiable, a somewhat inconspicuous one, such as a small text link at the bottom.
Also, if you suggest one, if you could please show me your oekaki (if you have one) being hosted on it (if you are hosting on it). Thank you!

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