NineChime forum

Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.

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Topic review (newest first)

11-01-2008 21:08:16

carlyse_09 wrote:

What does oekaki means?How does it work?

Here you go:

07-14-2008 12:02:32

Yep, after working on it for quite awhile, my oekaki is finally up and running!

It's a new oekaki, so it won't be super active, but if you join and spread the word all over, then there is a chance it can become active! If you come and see no one on, you get discouraged, right? Well, join, and stay active, then more and more people will come.

Here is the link

Ignore that ad on the first board, I was required to put it there for the redirection of the url.

Thanks are in order.

For PokeJungle for the awesome template.
Marriland for the code on a Pro Board and for the Concept of "Pro Apps."
And for Suki who kept me from going insane.

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