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Topic review (newest first)

07-20-2008 22:58:37

5.6.5 is pretty close to final and it includes a lot of the improvements that were made to Wacintaki 1.3.14.  However, due to a bad release of 1.3.14 and my lack of a real Wax Poteto test board, I'm releasing it as a beta for now.  After a week or two, if there are no major issues, it will be officially released.

5.6.5 is an important release, because it will probably be one of the last versions, if not the last.  Now that Wax is XHTML compliant, is using a new template format, and shares the same database and config structures as Wacintaki, it's time I merged Wax and Wacintaki into a single project.

Aside from Chibi Paint and mostly complete BBcode support, 5.6.5 now has a completely new template editor.  It's much simpler and is almost entirely based on CSS, plus it will automatically convert old templates into the new format.  Old templates will also work with 5.6.5 without being converted, but due to the XHTML changes, borders may be too thick unless the templates are updated to the new format.

Wax Poteto 5.6.5, full install
Patch for 5.4.1 and newer
Patch for 5.5.6 and newer
Patch for 5.6.0 and newer

Also, don't forget the Chibi Paint add-on.

Any help from early adopters is appreciated.  I don't get much feedback about Wax Poteto.

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