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08-09-2008 11:38:33

Thank you so much! You're too wonderful. ^_^

08-09-2008 06:30:02

The "header.php" file is dreadfully messy, so it's not easy to edit unless you know some PHP and have a decent text editor.  However, if you don't need things to appear and disappear based on user flags, adding things without breaking the PHP code isn't that hard.

To remove the title, search for this and remove it:


    <b><?=$cfg['op_title'];?> -</b>

To remove the login status, search for this:


    <div align="right">
<? if (!empty ($OekakiU)) { ?>
        <?=$langop_common_loggedin?> <b><?=w_html_chars($OekakiU);?></b>
<? } else { ?>
        <?=$langop_common_loggedin?> <b><?=$langop_word_guest?></b>
<? } ?>


    <div align="right">

In that area, any line that begins with a vertical bar ("|") is not PHP code, and you can sandwich links in there.  The trick is that you need to keep the Javascript code for the rollovers intact for each link.  To replace the FAQ with rules and the PaintChat links, search for this:


    | <a href="faq.php" onmouseover="op_roll_change(0,'view','search','admin','draw','login2')"><?=$langop_word_faq?></a>


    | <a href="rules.html" onmouseover="op_roll_change(0,'view','search','admin','draw','login2')">Rules</a>
    | <a href="" onmouseover="op_roll_change(0,'view','search','admin','draw','login2')">PaintChat</a>
08-08-2008 20:59:21

Ah! Thank you! That's doable. ^^ I was all worried that to change the position of the links I'd have to edit one of the PHP pages, or something. This is another new board I'm making, so I did grab the newest version of Wax you had (I always have a hard time choosing between Wax and Wac because I love them both... next one will be a Wac).

If I could... pump your brain on the header issue?

The changes I really wanted to do were:
Remove the oekaki title in the left hand corner
Remove the "logged in as [name]" in the right hand corner
Add a link for a Rules page
Add a link to PaintChat

Both links would be available to members or guests... so, would those changes still require a whole lot of finagling with the PHP, where I would be lost and blind and sure to mess everything up? (haha)

08-08-2008 01:14:34

That depends if you just want to beautify the header, or actually change and add the links.

You can use CSS in a custom template to change the positions of the header elements, to allow for a large banner or precisely positioned menu items.  The IDs for the rollover menus are "view", "login2", "admin", and "search" ("draw" is now empty).  Just put something like this in your template to move it to a specific position on the page, such as on top of a banner:


#banner {
   height: 150px;
#view {
   position: absolute;
   left: 14px;
   top: 70px;
#login2 {
   position: absolute;
   left: 14px;
   top: 70px;
#etc {

The rollovers will work as normal so long as you don't mess around with the "header.php" file.  Oh, and I highly recommend that you update to Wax 5.7.0 before doing this, since the latest version has a new template editor that is largely based on CSS, and makes making these changes a lot easier.  There is no more PHP code you have to edit by hand in the templates, which should make things easier for you.  wink

If you want to change the links, you'll have to edit the "header.php" file directly.  This is tricky, since there's a lot of conditions based on login status and permissions, and all the words are imported via a language file, so almost all the links are variables.  It's a real pain to change the links in Wax if you don't know PHP.  Wacintaki's header file is easier to edit, but that version of the oekaki doesn't have rollover menus like Wax does.

08-07-2008 20:04:06

This glorious oekaki:

...Is it possible for me to incorporate a layout like that on Wax Poteto? I don't know where I would begin in changing the elements, and if it requires a good knowledge of PHP, I have to forget about it. But I just love how they have a huge, awesome header, and a customized menu that sits on top of the graphics. I looked at their source code, but am still afraid to try anything because of the PHP involvement (all I know is HTML/CSS).

Advice is much appreciated!

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