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08-26-2008 10:02:05

thank you ^_^

I understand what you are saying in your post.  For me, it's just easier to ensure everything has been archived.

Thank you again ^_^

08-26-2008 06:28:22

I've written a file that archives every picture that is not a safety save.  Archive all.  Copy it to your oekaki folder, and run it.  It will tell you how many pictures are not archived, and then clicking a link will archive everything.  It will only work if you are logged in as the owner.  It works with both Wacintaki and Wax Poteto.  Just run it again whenever you log in and want to archive everything.

The reason why I'm not keen on adding this as a control panel feature is that it really doesn't do anything useful.

If you have enough storage space on your server, the archive feature is kind of useless.  After I made a few improvements to the code a year or so ago, the archive feature is no longer needed to prevent pictures from being recycled.  It's more or less just to make images stand out with the "View" option in the oekaki menu.  Archiving everything is pretty much the same as archiving nothing at all, so adding a feature to archive every picture doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

08-26-2008 02:43:33

At present, i have to click on the Archive link on each single image on the board and this can take a long time if i haven't been around for a while.  What i'm trying to achieve is to have one link in the CP to archive ALL images that have already been posted.

08-19-2008 12:41:32

I'm pretty sure he means backups, Waccoon. IE: Making an archive of his /images folder so that if something happens he can restore them.

Could be wrong though, but that is what it sounds like to me!

08-19-2008 04:50:05

Could you elaborate on what you're trying to achieve?  Since the sorting problem was fixed over a year ago, archiving is mostly useful for searching through images, rather than protecting them from deletion.

By archiving everything, you're doing the same thing as increasing the number of stored pictures to an incredibly high value (such as 100,000).  If you have enough server space, then that's the preferred way of doing it.

Archiving grants only one special privilege: it protects images from being deleted if the original artist is removed from the database by the autokill feature (removal for not logging in within a set number of days).  There is a feature to give every artist the immunity flag, so anyone who draws at least one picture will be immune from being deleted, and as such, every picture on the board will be immune from deletion by the autokill feature.  If you have the autokill feature turned on, and artist immunity turned off, then a small change to "header.php" is enough to prevent artist removals from also removing any pictures.

My next oekaki won't have an archive feature at all.  Instead, it will have a more robust rating system.

08-18-2008 04:08:37

I was wondering whether it is at all possible to have an Archive All button in the Control Panel.  This will save me a lot of time rather that archiving each images. 

Or something that would allow me to archive in bulk. It takes too long to archive each individual image.

Would be a nice feature ^_^

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