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Topic review (newest first)

09-20-2008 06:18:41

It's never been possible to prevent people from seeing pictures, because Wacintaki uses a simple counter to "build" picture names when pictures must be accessed.  The board has no concept of using strings for picture names.  Avatars, on the other hand, use actual filenames.

This will change with my new oekaki system, but it's not practical to change Wacintaki or Wax to support version control.

09-19-2008 08:20:55

Hi! First, thanks for keeping care of this awesome script, I had an Oekaki several years ago (poteto) and now I'm back into the business and found your project with very nice additions I was used to do myself (like avatars x.xwink


I never like the fact anyone can "see" all wip images. Let me explain.
Last posted picture is "picture_24". If you tipe into the browser the full url, and change the last number "" I can see the wip with no hassle at all.

I think assigning a random string to the drawing would be better, getting something like a3d8ah.png.
Maybe it won't look cute if you want to paste the url to a friend, but i don't really care about that.
.....maybe some kind of option either in site panel or hack file?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my crappy english -not my language!-

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