NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

01-19-2009 18:53:39

maybe there could be a thing you could position (on wac boards) that announce the newest member?
oh, and also it'd be nice to have a notification system for comments.
like when you draw a pic of yours and it gets bumped to another page, then a month later you say: "o gee, i should check my old pics to see if ive improved (or something)" then you see that there's a comment that you REALLY wish you would've seen when you draw it. i hate that, so maybe a system that could omail you if you get a comment on any picture that's not on the main page?

Also, I would like to see the category system that would allow member group to be made.
Like on proboards forums, I would like to see A section on the adminbar where admins can make new categories.
Each category can have an added flag that doesn't make them be the next level of admin.
So, someting like:
Category name: uploader
Permission: (shows admin permissions)
                  Upload access: yes
So each category can have different titles, or just be a nice title, such as "birthdayboy/girl" "VIP" etc.

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