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10-10-2005 15:28:23

big_smile! Thank you very much! It works now! I wasn't sure what the difference between binary and ASCII mode was so I always just went by what the manual said, but usually when the manual doesn't say anything about it, I'll just say "whatever" X3

Thank you again!

10-09-2005 03:50:04

The JAR file archives are the problem.  I downloaded them and they are definately corrupt, as they won't decompress in WinZIP.  Try re-uploading them, and make sure your FTP client is uploading them in binary format, not ASCII.

FTP programs upload files in either of two ways: ASCII or binary.  ASCII is for text files like documents and HTML, and binary is for pictures, programs, and basicly everything that isn't plain text.  Some FTP programs will default to ASCII if they don't recognize the file type, but all the JAR files should be uploaded in binary.  If your FTP program has a button that toggles between "A" and "B", make sure it is set to "B".

If problems continue, tell me what program you're using to upload files.

10-08-2005 22:43:23
^ none of the painters or BBS's will load. I tried all. I even had a friend try herself because I thought it was something to do with my browser. I think I may have uploaded something wrong? I read the manual carefully.

If anyone has had these problems or know what's up, it would help greatly! Thank you smile

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