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10-14-2005 22:42:47

when i do page one thumbing, it goes back to page one with the admin options for all the pics.  if i do all thumbs, it goes to a blank screen and stays there.

it doesn't seem to be thumbing any of them automatically.  i checked my error log, nothing seems to change in it when i run the thumbnail part.

10-11-2005 02:40:52

Does it only rebuild some images, or none?  What happens when you tell it to rebuild thumbnails only on page one?

I've seen problems before where if the thumbnail generator is putting too much stress on the server, the server will forcably shut down the script and leave a lot of images without thumbnails.  I haven't found a good way around this.  OekakiPoteto is supposed to get around this with redirects, but I've not seen it work correctly.

10-10-2005 16:33:12

I uploaded the new paintsave.php and ran it again, this time with no errors - but the results are the same, it's not thumbnailing the images. 

I should be using uniformity mode right?  And select the build all thumbnails option . . .

10-10-2005 00:27:46

This happens when one of the pictures is corrupt.

If you are using Wacintaki version 1.2.0 or higher, you can use this new thumbnail script.  It might work.  Please let me know if it does.

paintsave.php version 1.2.4

10-09-2005 19:21:18

I am trying to force thumbnails for a board.   I imported images from an older version of oekaki into the newest version of wacintaki.  I'm using the uniformity mode, force defaults is set to yes, 100x100 thumb size, filesize for thumb generation is set to 0, and rebuild thumbnail setting is set to all.  It turns up this error:

Fatal error: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: fatal libpng error: IDAT: CRC error in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/oekakiFAV/paintsave.php on line 221

I googled the first part of that error and it came up with a number of different issues, I think it's having problems converting the png's.

I can toggle the images individually (one at a time) to thumb when logged in from admin mode, but I have almost 10,000 images I want to thumb.  That would take a very very long time. 

Any clues?

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