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03-15-2009 23:18:15

ahh that would be why.
Thanks. XD

03-15-2009 19:29:06

Sorry, Funpic does not support SSH (as well as many other things).

In general, free hosting plans don't allow much more than the most basic FTP, PHP, and MySQL, so shell access of any sort (Telnet and SSH) are almost never supported.

03-15-2009 14:06:10

Yeah, I'm curious about this too.
I also use funpic and I;ve wanted a PCHAT for my oekaki.

03-15-2009 11:43:55

Yes. I've tries using my IP address for the host as well. (I can;t find it on command prompt though.)

It opens the connection, but Putty won;t let me type inside the box, then the connection times out.
I'm not entirely sure if it supports SSH or not. Funpic doesn't really have a very good page for their plan.

03-15-2009 05:38:24

It's possible that your host doesn't support SSH.  Even some paid hosting plans don't allow that.

Have you tried using the IP address rather than the server's DNS name?  You can get the IP address by going into your computer's shell (command prompt) and using the "ping" command.

03-12-2009 20:56:37

Right. So I wanted to set up a Paintchat for me an my friends, I've downloaded the files and uploaded them via FTP onto the server I would like to host it on.

This is the tutorial I've been using : … -101781274

So here's the problem. On the right side with the Putty thing, I've been trying to get it to work, but I can't. I think I'm putting in the right information, but I'm not entirely sure. When I bring up the connection, it comes up with a window a few seconds later stating the server has closed it's connection unexpectedly and it just doesn't type. I've never used Putty before, so I'm not sure what I should be putting in.

If someone could help, that would be great.


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