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10-17-2005 14:22:02

Oh, wow! That helped and now it works! Thank you so much! smile

10-17-2005 03:14:06

For some reason, there's programming code in your rules file.  Was this a new install of Wacintaki, or an update from OekakiPoteto?

Go into Administration -> Edit Rules, completely empty the textbox, then click submit.  Then, go back to editrules and type them in.  If the rule editor complains that the file is locked, use your FTP program to change permissions (or CHMOD) the "./resource/rules.php" file to 664.

10-17-2005 00:11:20

Okay, my oekaki is up and running and I have people drawing on there and whatnot, however, I feel it's kind of naked because the rules aren't working. The "Edit Rules" page works, but the rules doesn't. The layout comes up all fine, but, I guess, where the rules are supposed to go, I get this instead:

Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare get_microtime() (previously declared in /home/legras/public_html/oekaki/common.php:17) in /home/legras/public_html/oekaki/common.php on line 16

What do you suppose is the problem?
It's located at

Night Faerie

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