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10-07-2009 03:52:45

Unfortunately, your server is OrgFree, and that service enforces referrer rules.  It's a bit complicated to explain, but it has to do with bandwidth conservation.  The server will not allow images (or Java JAR files) to be downloaded unless the web browser explicitly says they are to be used by an HTML page that was downloaded from the same server.  This is a problem, because Java does not support referrers.  In other words, Java cannot download the paint program from the server.

Some other people have run into this problem before, and if you don't pay for your hosting, I'm afraid there's no solution.  The site simply does not allow Java applets to run.

10-06-2009 20:48:37

My friends have notified me about it and told me it doesn't work.
The link to the oekaki is:

10-06-2009 03:07:19

I'm assuming you have your own oekaki.  Do you know if you're the only one who has trouble getting the applets to run, or is everyone affected?  A link to your board would be helpful, since some servers cause more problems than others.

10-06-2009 00:06:03

Hi I'm having the same problem with all the drawing apps. They're failing to run. I have also downloaded the recent version of Java and have installed the patch, yet the error remains the same. Any clues?

08-13-2009 04:01:47

Works perfectly! No complaints yet of it causing any other problems. Thanks.

08-08-2009 21:17:36

If you have not modified the code for the paint applets ("shipainter.php" and so on), get this patch:  Java DirectX Fix (1.4.3).

The JNLP files I added in 1.4.1 aren't working right, thanks to some wonderful new Java updates that are causing havoc.  More information about this problem is here:

If you have modified the paint applet code, click on that other forum post, and add the two lines of code to each of the applet parameters.  Then, delete all the ".JNLP" files you can find in the oekaki folder.

08-08-2009 12:08:10

Hi there,

I have a member who is getting the following error message when trying to use the applet:

This occurs on all applets. I'm pretty sure all the JAR files are up-to-date, although I haven't checked strictly speaking.

Do you have any idea what could be the cause of this error? Thank you for reading this and I appreciate any advice.


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