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05-07-2011 01:16:56

akali04 wrote:

You know what? I think that its the site! I don't get any Java errors anywhere else. Ive installed the latest version. I took your recommendation and uninstalled the old one and deleted the folder off the C: drive and rebooted.

You should know that I posted this thread over a year and a half ago and I had to move to a different host. Orgfree is incompatible with Java applets citing security issues and to prevent bandwidth leeching.

04-11-2011 15:54:21

You know what? I think that its the site! I don't get any Java errors anywhere else. Ive installed the latest version. I took your recommendation and uninstalled the old one and deleted the folder off the C: drive and rebooted.

09-10-2009 01:48:07

Waccoon wrote:

Orgfree uses a referrer filter.  That means to download any type of file that is not a web page (HTML or PHP), it must have a referrer set by the web browser.  That is typically done by having the download set as a link in a web page.  If you try to access the file directly, it won't work.

When I tried to access the "PaintBBS.jar" file directly by typing in the path in the web browser address bar, I was redirected to this address:

Since Java doesn't send a referrer when trying to download the JAR file, the server complains.  I'm afraid Orgfree is simply not compatible with Java applets.

This is a security measure to prevent bandwidth leeching, BTW.  There's no way to know this ahead of time before signing up for an account.

There's a slim possibility that the control panel for your site might allow you to configure referrers, but I doubt it.

I knew it. I have come to the conclusion that Java is NOT supported on free accounts. sad

09-10-2009 01:07:53

Orgfree uses a referrer filter.  That means to download any type of file that is not a web page (HTML or PHP), it must have a referrer set by the web browser.  That is typically done by having the download set as a link in a web page.  If you try to access the file directly, it won't work.

When I tried to access the "PaintBBS.jar" file directly by typing in the path in the web browser address bar, I was redirected to this address:

Since Java doesn't send a referrer when trying to download the JAR file, the server complains.  I'm afraid Orgfree is simply not compatible with Java applets.

This is a security measure to prevent bandwidth leeching, BTW.  There's no way to know this ahead of time before signing up for an account.

There's a slim possibility that the control panel for your site might allow you to configure referrers, but I doubt it.

09-09-2009 12:17:08

Hey there Wac, I seriously need your help. When I try to use the Java applet, a red X appears on the upper right corner of the drawing. Here's a example of the screenshot:

Applet pbbs.PaintBBS.notinited
Loading Java Applet Failed...

Is there any way to fix this? I have a feeling that the Java applet worked when Insomnia Oekaki was running adfree for four days and now since the advertisements appeared, the Java Applet broke. Is there any way to fix this? If so, how would I do it?

I may have a feeling that Java may not be supported on sad

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