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#1 09-07-2006 06:35:08

New member

Server Migration

I'm kind of surprised that no one's asked about this yet.  Perhaps they have, but I ran through pretty much everything, and no go.  I'm using the latest Wacintaki, upgraded (but not from poteto).

Um.  I'm trying to migrate from one server to another.  I've been trying to import to the correct subdomain I want the board to be moved to, and this comes up:

CREATE TABLE `op_oekaki` (
`usrname` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`usrpass` text,
`usrflags` varchar( 10 ) default 'G',
`email` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
`name` varchar( 25 ) default NULL ,
`comment` text,
`url` text,
`aim` varchar( 30 ) default NULL ,
`icq` varchar( 20 ) default NULL ,
`urltitle` text,
`joindate` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
`lastlogin` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`MSN` text,
`Yahoo` text,
`IRCNick` text,
`IRCServer` text,
`location` text,
`piccount` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`IRCchan` text,
`templatesel` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`commcount` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`age` text,
`gender` text,
`picview` tinyint( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`language` text,
`thumbview` tinyint( 4 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`screensize` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL default '800',
`rank` tinyint( 4 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`avatar` varchar( 128 ) NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY `usrname` ( `usrname` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1050 - Table 'op_oekaki' already exists

It's not visible from this, but in my panel, there's a big fatty red X by the url selector thing.  I have no idea what it means, either.

I didn't notice it during my first time attempting the import, but I was kind of curious as to why the database wouldn't show up on the list on the new server. D<  If it helps, both use phpMyadmin. Perhaps when I downloaded it from the original server I missed something?  (Sorry, I'm learning a little bit about php, but I still have a lot of trouble understand the database workings.  Unfortunately, this is the first of more than a few php-driven subsites that need to migrated before the old server expires.)

Mostly, I'm curious as to whether I'm going to need to do a re-install, or if there's something like your usual config.php where I can change the database/root/whatev info.  Above all, I don't want to break anything. :3  Also, the new server I'm on gives me the choice of php 4 or 5.  Will Wacintaki work with 5, or should I stick to 4 to be safe?

Thanks for the time!

Last edited by miriya (09-07-2006 19:17:58)


#2 09-09-2006 08:45:15


Re: Server Migration

Wacintaki fully supports MySQL 5 as of version 1.3.0.  I recommend it, as it is more stable than MySQL 4.

I assume you're importing from a backup file you saved to your home computer, which was generated by phpMyAdmin.  You must create a database within phpMyAdmin, as the database name is not stored in the import data.  You have to make sure the database is empty when you do the import, because phpMyAdmin will not overwrite a database.  You have to clear all the database tables every time you attempt an import.

After the database import, you may copy all the files to the new server, CHMOD what needs to be writable (use testinfo.php to make sure), and make sure the "URL to OekakiPoteto" is updated in the control panel to point to the new host.  If your database name, username, and password is different form the first server, you will have to manually update dbconn.php to reflect those changes (the Wacintaki control panel will not work).


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