NineChime forum

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#1 09-10-2006 05:55:23


NO file extension on index.php

Well, I uploaded a fresh install of the latest version of Wacintaki, that share a memberlist prefix with another board. I want the draw, upload, animation to be accessible only if somebody has the B flag. I changed the following code in functions.php (last 2 lines)


    $new_flags =

Then I changed modflags.php to add the B flag to the db, as well as allthe applets and upload.php to do a flag check on "B" rather than "U" or "D", etc, etc.  That's all I changed.

Prictures drawn in paintbbs won't submit (just a very vague error messages). The picture folder was created by the installer, and is currently CHMODed to 755 (I tryed to change it to 777, but no difference).

While uploading pictures, it uploads it correctly to the pic folder. But on the index page all links and picures lack the extension. E.g. instead of:

I get:

why is this? how can I fix this? Please help. I've done fresh installs of the same version before, so it's not the server's problem I don't think.

Thank you for your support.

My problem board:
working board ex:


#2 09-10-2006 07:41:59


Re: NO file extension on index.php

I changed the prefix to somethign shorter: PWO_ADV_ but the problem persists.


#3 09-10-2006 15:34:56


Re: NO file extension on index.php

The image PTYPE (Picture file type) is set in "paintsave.php" in the "save_image()" function.  It will save the image, and then update the database with the proper PTYPE.  For some reason, the images are being saved, with the correct file type, but the database is not being updated.

Look at your server's PHP log.  There should be a "mysql_error()" report in there.

If you can't view the PHP log on your server (like my server), you can change the code to get the error.  In paintsave.php, in the "save_image()" function, you will see this:


        // I wish I didn't have to do this HERE.
        $sizes = GetImageSize($image_file);
        $result = mysql_query('UPDATE '.$OekakiPoteto_Prefix."oekakidta SET px={$sizes[0]}, py={$sizes[1]}, ptype='$type' WHERE PIC_ID='$picnumber'");
        if (!$result) {
            error_log (__FILE__.': Pic size/type for '.$picnumber.' not insterted into DB ('.mysql_error().')');

Change the "error_log" to "echo", and then try to upload a file.  Do not use the applets to submit a picture, as any data echoed is actually thrown out and won't show up in the web browser.  Since the pictures are being written with the filetype, but the database isn't updating, I have a feeling this is an SQL error.  Something may not have been initialized properly when you installed the board.  I don't see how a user flag would cause an issue like this.


#4 09-12-2006 15:50:30


Re: NO file extension on index.php

Thanks. I accidentally deleted part of my databases (oh well, I only had a few members join). I did a fresh install of everything and it works now.

Thanks for your help though :3


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