Wac and Tawny, Semi-Feral - by Kathy Newell (SilverTigress) - [Homepage] 181 Views - 0 Comments
February 21, 2010 · (639 × 413)
$ Commission

Once again I went to SilverTigress for a more realistic take on Wac and Tawny. They're still cute as ever!

A sketch is also available (24K), which shows more definition than the color version.

wac tawny raccoon

You Warm Up My Heart - by Kathy Newell (SilverTigress) - [Homepage] 216 Views - 0 Comments
November 29, 2009 · (900 × 650)
$ Commission

Silver Tigress does a lot of pencil work with airbrush color that has that nice, soft look I like... a strong contrast to the harsh linework I do. Also, I'm a sucker for snuggly pictures!

darryl nokino dingo