Rebecca At The Beach - by (AzureWSilvermane / SharaCManasgael / Inanna Eloah / Manasga'el) - [Homepage] 292 Views - 0 Comments
January 29, 2016 · (730 × 1000)
$ Commission

Beer on the beach in the middle of January. Sounds like a typical winter in Australia, all right.

rebecca dingo beach alcohol

Absolut Wac - by Jeremy Beck (Delphis) - [Homepage] 280 Views - 0 Comments
April 25, 2001 · (443 × 600)

Delphis couldn't get a Wac in the Box, so he had to settle for bottled Wac. And you can't Wac that. :9

It's interesting how I'm 100% volume. If that were proof, I'd be only half-a-Wac.

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