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[5673] Artist: Phoenixtears | Title: Little Flower | Time: 22h 23m
Pic #2828
(Click to enlarge)

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
Phoenixtears @ Tuesday, November 18th 2008, 12:55 AM
So, I know the coloring is a cop-out, but I had left this open way too long. Also, I had intended to do more with the background. Ah well.

Blenderman @ Wednesday, November 19th 2008, 2:29 PM
Coloring may not be super detailed, but technique used with color and fine lines make it enjoyable for me! Add more color to the face and mouth!

[5521] Artist: Phoenixtears | Title: Conversations | Time: 1h 38m
Pic #2676
(Click to enlarge)

Chibi Paint
Phoenixtears @ Friday, August 1st 2008, 5:30 AM
And with a rushed background I post here again! :O

"Did you ever wonder if your choices would change MY life?" oh my poor emo teenaged Maddy. For the theme for once, lol she's normally a 5 year old.
Eisenfaust @ Friday, August 1st 2008, 11:07 AM
Digging the highlights in her hair.

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